Stash, Stash and More Stash!

I was very very excited to receive 3 parcels of stash from ABC Stitch in the mail this week!

In the first parcel was 6 charts I had ordered

They were: Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow by Carriage House Samplers, Countdown to Christmas by Blue Ribbon Designs, The Flood and Fruit of the Spirit by Plum Street Samplers, Kringle's Christmas Tree Farm and Contentment by Praiseworthy Stitches.

In the second parcel was The Library by Little House Needleworks

The third parcel was 32 count linen - Waterlily and all the beautiful crescent colour threads for the Nora Corbett letter M.

So as you can imagine, what do I start first? Well I decided to go with the letter M as I have the linen and threads to start.

Also and update on Holiday Cookies, which is going well mostly because it's really easy to stitch, and also quite exciting because I don't have any idea what it's really going to look like when finished.
Before -

After -

I also brought a couple of knitting books for soft toys. They have some really cute little toys to knit, and because I have have a short attention span (just look at my WIPs) I think I might be able to even finish one!

Here is some horse pictures especially for Kate!(

This is me on my horse Gen (or Humphrey as my Dad called him) about 2001, I used to show him a bit but mostly just cruised around the roads on him (like a boy racer...LOL!)
I also used to work on a horse stud in Tamworth in Australia and the lady I worked for also competed in top level dressage

This is me showing one of the thoroughbred mares and winning reserve champion!

Anyway I am off the Australia on Tuesday for 10 days so I'm not sure if I will get a post done next weekend because Erika who is a personal trainer, has my holiday organised into a bootcamp/biggest loser type 10 basically is 2 workouts per day and healthy eating...I think I will survive but if I post no more you will know that I didn't survive, though her husband John assures me that we can have one day where we will sit around drinking and listening to Guns N' Roses - YAY!!!

By the way, for everyone who thinks that rugby players are better than rock stars? well lets compare All Blacks player Sonny Bill Williams...

To DJ Ashba of Guns n' Roses
One of them is very talented and intelligent, the other, well at least he looks good with his shirt off...I prefer brains :)

Happy stitching!



  1. Lol, lots of awesome eye candy today ;)! Yay for the new stash and new start!! Love the horse pics, they are gorgeous!! Love Humphrey's 4 white socks :)
    ps, musicians are also good with their hands too ;P

  2. I was in an eyecandy mood today ;) Humphrey even has a small white star, I always wanted a black horse with 4 white socks and a star! I dare say musicians would be better with their hands than rugby players...hehe

  3. My Cim is chocolate bay with the socks & star, so not quite black, he has a snip on his nose too. But he is ALOT chubbier than Humphrey!

  4. Lots of great new stash there!

    Have a great trip I hope you get the results you want from all your hard work!

  5. Hello

    Just found your blog.

    Great new stash!

    Lovely horse pics.

    Hope you enjoy your trip.


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