Fall from Grace...

Oh dear I have had a bad weekend, I had a wee accident on my mountain bike and fell off and dislocating my AC joint in my shoulder. A very very painful experience, so after an x-ray confirmed the injury I now have 2 weeks off work and I can't drive! (and yes biking is out of the question)
The arrow shows where clavicle is meant to attach to my scapula (shoulder blade) It's not too painful, only when I get dressed or try to raise my arm.
The good news is I can still stitch!!! Woohoo!!! very carefully of course and holding my arm against my side. On the stitching front I have done some more on Tuscany Town

I have also done a bit more on English Garden Sampler Before-

I will endeavour to get it out again every once in a while! I really want to get Tuscany Town finished so I can enter it in the Oxford A&P show, so I guess now that I have a couple of weeks downtime I should get a lot done.

Happy stitching!


  1. Love your WIPs. Looking forward to seeing progress. Hope the arm gets better soon.

  2. :( so sorry to hear about your shoulder, ouch!! Rest up and stitching are just what you need, your projects are just gorgeous!

  3. Well if nothing it sounds like you'll be getting lots and LOTS of stitching done! In all seriousness though I'm really sorry to hear about your injury - it looks like it was VERY painfull. Get better soon!


  4. OUCH! Hope you're healing with little pain. Glad it doesn't impact your stitching as you have some beautiful projects going right now.

  5. Gorgeous stitching but not so gorgeous X-ray! Stitch carefully and don't overdo it!


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