Stitching and Cricket

It has been a while since my last update, so this has been what has been happening since January.

Yes the Cricket World Cup started in New Zealand and Australia in February we went to the opening ceremony.

It was great evening with lots of entertainment and fireworks! Christchurch has certainly done well to be able to host the opening ceremony and a couple of games 4 years on from the earthquakes. The main sports stadium with used to have rugby and cricket grounds was badly damaged after the earthquake, so now the new cricket ground is in the lovely Hagley Park and it has become very much a boutique type ground where kids can play out the back and you can sit on a grass embankment, much better than the massive concrete stadiums of today. Unfortunately New Zealand who were in the final with Australia lost (we don't like to lose to Australia lol)

Anyway on to the stitching! I have finished Roses of Paris! I also entered it in the local A & P show and won first prize!

I am feeling very pleased with myself and I am now trying to finish all my WIPs instead of starting a new one, we shall see how long that lasts!

So exciting news, I am book to go for my trip overseas in May! I am going to Italy first to see the last 11 days of the Giro d'Italia. This is also a biking trip so there will be lots of mountains to bike up! I then go to Barcelona to stay with my friend for a week and then on a bus trip around Spain, Portugal and Morocco! I will be away for 5 weeks am I am so excited!

Happy stitching



  1. I love this unique piece! And I'm super jealous of the awesome trip you have planned! It sounds fabulous!

  2. Congratulations! Love your "Roses of Paris" - it is beautiful :o)
    Hugs xx


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