Tuscany & Mountain Biking

Unfortunately I wasn't mtb in Tuscany - nice as that sounds...

I was much better this week and basically back to full health after mostly 2 weeks of being sick, so it was back to normal cycling training which means not much stitching get done during the week.I have got a bit more done on Tuscany Town.

I have done the tiny jessicas, which are a little tedious but look really good when done. You realise how many beads there are on this when there a lots of empty squares when the cross stitches have been done! I may start doing some beading soon, just for something different to do.

The next WIP is English Garden Sampler by Teresa Wentzler. I can't remember the last time I actually did any work on this, I think I put it in the "too hard" basket because of the blended threads, I find them a real pain, but I guess I will work on it again one day...

 This what it will look like when I finish it...one day...

 Since I had dragged out my chart for this, I thought I would show you just how many TW charts I had-
I will probably never do these, I think I just like collecting charts and patterns rather than doing any of them!

Yesterday I went mountain biking with a good friend of mine, I haven't ridden my mtb since last February, so I was a bit rusty on the bike handling skills since I only ride on the road now, but it was a lot of fun and I many even do it more regularly. This good friend of mine also has a brother who is a really good cyclist and who I rather taken a fancy to, but he seems to be total oblivious to the fact that I really like him! I have been biking with him a few times and we basically talk for the whole 3 hrs we are out riding, but maybe I'm too subtle? Men...I don't know!!! Any suggestions???

Anyway enough of my guy problems, this is what I had for dessert tonight

I am kittysitting at the moment at my parents house as they are on holiday, and they have a huge garden and vege garden, so I had for dinner new potatoes, carrots and strawberries all out of the garden. One day I will have my own house and my own vege garden, mind you with all the cycling, stitching and gardening, I won't have time to have a job...



  1. Tuscany is looking awesome! I plan to get that chart one day and you're weakening my resolve to put it off! I have EGS as wip too but it's not near as far as yours ;)- i like collecting too- planning for (early) retirement after I win the lottery ;)
    Enjoy the strawberries!! They look scrumptious!

  2. I absolutely love TWs stuff and enjoy the challenge they present. Your mandala is looking good


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