A Post About Not Stitching...

Well not a lot of stitching went on this week!

In fact I didn't do any...I was rather busy this week doing stuff, I'm not sure what, but it took up a lot of time!  I actually have been going through all my cross stitch stash and deciding what I'm going to sell off. I have far to much stash and quite frankly I will never do it all. some of the stuff I have I don't even like anymore! So I have been taking photos of it and listing my stuff on Trade Me (the New Zealand version of Ebay)

I did go out to my very dear friends house, who live just out of Christchurch in a nice picturesque valley. So yesterday her husband Glenn and I went for a walk up the hill where you can get some nice views.
The nice view from the top. It was very high up, and only took 30mins of scrambling up rocks and sides of hills :)

That is Lucy and Glenn's garden down there!

Today we walked up the other hill on the other side of the valley.

Lucy and I also watched "Mrs 'Arris goes to Paris" a wonderful movie starring Angela Lansbury, who is a cleaning lady in London, saves up enough money to go to Paris to buy a Christian Dior dress. A must see if you love vintage Dior dresses! Lucy makes most of her clothing, and is so talented at designing her own dresses as well - I love her vintage style!

Since this has turned into a non stitching post, I may as well tell you about my latest favourite music - Sixx:AM is the latest band I have been listening to, and they have some really good music, the bassist is Nikki (Motley Crue) and the lead guitarist is DJ Ashba (new Guns n' Roses guitarist too) I now listen them on my iPod while biking, somehow it makes me go faster! LOL!

Hopefully I will get some stitching done next week so I can at least post something about stitching!

Have a good week!



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