The Enchantment of Time Trialing

Well this week I haven't done much stitching at all, I did pick up the Enchantment of Winter and did some on that, but not much to show really.
Before: (sorry it is upside down)


Today I had a 25km Time Trial race, and after yesterdays 27 degree day, it decided to rain and be cold- oh well, I got thoroughly wet and cold but I did have a good race.
All smiles at the start

As you can see I don't wear a skin suit or aero helmet like this guy, but he looks much better in a skin suit than I ever ever would...

This particular WIP is called Attic Collection-A Stitchers Accessory Book by Judy Odell. I have done one front panel, but I haven't even finished that! I haven't picked up this one for at least a year, so does that make it a UFO? Anyway maybe I should actually do a rotation of my WIPs and then some of them might actually see the light of day!

Lastly a note about my ramblings about Guns n' Roses and Bret Michaels of Poison from last week, Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, Jo had a picture of a very pretty Bret Michaels, to which her boss asked who the pretty lady was...hahaha
Yes, very pretty...*snigger snigger* Sorry Jo, he's so easy to make fun of!
Till next week!



  1. Very Lovely version of the Attic Collection! A UFO would be something you *never* work on again, so it cant be if you still love it ;). I would love to do a SAL if you'd like...

  2. Thanks for the pic! You've been tagged in my blog LOL!

  3. Another Egg stitcher! I have Enhantment and Alexandra's Dream in my stash and am currently working on Twilight of the Tsar. Your Attic Collection is really pretty. Oh and it's a WIP. It's only a UFO if you've crumbled it up, thrown it in the corner of the closet and torn up the pattern.


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