Le Tour

Le Tour de France starts in 4 days! I am so excited, though not so excited at the prospect at having to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to watch it, France is 12 (or is it 11?) hours behind us here in New Zealand, either way I usually record it and watch it next day. This year my favourite rider Jakob Fuglsang, is the leader of the Astana team, so I'm hoping he does really well. Any excuse to post a picture of Jakob... Anyway onto the stitching... First up is the Multiplication Sampler Before- After- Next up is Lake Como, I haven't done much on this Before- After- Paris Before- After- I am starting a new job in the next two weeks which is fulltime so I will be very busy working, studying and trying to do some stitching, and watching the Tour de France, it's going to be a very busy July! Happy Stitching! Michelle