
Hi everyone, I decided since I'm sick today that I should at least post something even though I haven't done very much stitching at all since the last post! Please don't read the next paragraph if your squeamish! I would actually rather be at work than sick because I got a nasty vomiting bug, whether it be from something I ate or a virus, anyway since 9am this morning I can't stop vomiting, hopefully it will pass soon because it is no fun what so ever! Anyway back to the more pleasant things in life, namely stitching! This is a chart I have been wanting to stitch for a while, so I thought it would be a nice Christmas gift to myself! Its called the Francophile sampler by Nouveau Encore from my favourite needlework shop ABC Stitch . It only uses 2 colours - black and red (or any other colours you like) and is done 2 over 2 with one strand. I had maybe thought of doing it one over but I think I may go blind doing that! So I thought using 40-count, if you have any o...